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Bid Classification: 
Bid Type:  Request for Pre-Qualifications
Bid Number:  CITY OF MERRITT RFQUAL #2024-092
Bid Name:  Water & Wastewater Engineering & Professional Consulting Services for the City of Merritt
Bid Status:  Open
Bid Closing Date:  Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:00:00 PM (PST)
Duration in months:  36
Negotiation Type:  Refer to bid document
Condition for Participation:  Refer to bid document
Electronic Auctions:  Not Applicable
Language for Bid Submissions:  English unless specified in the bid document
Submission Type:  Online Submissions Only
Submission Address:  Online Submissions Only
Public Opening:  No

Through this Request for Pre-Qualification, the City of Merritt (the “City”) invites organizations that are experienced in the provision of engineering and professional consulting services related to municipal water and wastewater infrastructure, to provide non-binding Submissions for the provision of such services to the City on an ‘as and when’ needed basis related to various water and wastewater infrastructure capital upgrade projects that the City has in its infrastructure program. Assignments that may be restricted to organizations Pre-Qualified from this process will focus on, but not necessarily limited to, the following projects:

  • The Kengard Well groundwater supply: a project to solve issues where manganese levels regularly exceed Health Canada guidelines on this well, which is one of several groundwater supplies to the City’s drinking water system.
  • Improvements to the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at 1298 Coldwater Avenue, Merritt, BC: which are expected to include several upgrades over the next few years, as identified in the City’s recent Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan (WSP, April 2023). Improvements are expected to include:
    • Aeration pipe replacement,
    • Dewatering upgrades, and
    • Headworks improvements.
  • Other Water, Wastewater and related project engineering, including but not limited to; operational and engineering assistance related to wells, pumping, treatment, and water/wastewater mechanical works.

Further details on the potential projects, and the RFQUAL process are provided herein.  Key summary details are as follows:

  • As an outcome from this RFQUAL, the City will shortlist up to 3 Respondents that will then become ‘Pre-Qualified Organizations’.
  • The Pre-Qualified Organizations will be ranked in order from 1st to 3rd (with the 1st-Ranked Organization being the highest, and the 3rd-Ranked Organization being the lowest) according to their total weighted scores from the RFQUAL Evaluation.
  • For all future engineering and professional consulting service assignments required in support of the City’s Water and Wastewater infrastructure program, including any related projects or assignments which may not be specifically identified in this RFQUAL (collectively referred to herein as the “Assignments”), the City may at its sole option either:
    • Provide a right of first refusal to the Pre-Qualified Organizations, in order from 1st-Ranked to 3rd Ranked*, for the Direct Award of a contract of any value for the Assignment; or
    • Invite the Pre-Qualified Organizations to participate in a ‘by-invitation’ only 2nd-stage RFP process for the specific Assignment; or
    • Conduct a public-Request for Proposals process open to both Pre-Qualified Organizations and non-Pre-Qualified organizations, where the specifics of the Assignment warrant a further public process at the sole discretion of the City.

*Right of first refusal will first be offered to the 1st-Ranked Organization.  If the 1st-Ranked Organization does not have capacity to take-on the Assignment or the parties cannot come to a mutual agreement regarding the Assignment, then the City may at its sole option offer the Assignment to the 2nd-Ranked Organization, and failing agreement with the 2nd-Ranked Organization the City may offer the Assignment to the 3rd-Ranked Organization.

  • The Pre-Qualification of organizations from this RFQUAL will be valid for a period of 3 years, in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).    No further notices to solicit Submissions for inclusion in the Pre-Qualified list will be issued during the three-year period. 
Bid Document Access:  Bid Opportunity notices and awards and a free preview of the bid documents is available on this site free of charge without registration. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. There is no cost to obtain an unsecured version of the document and /or to participate in this solicitation.
Trade Agreements:  Show Trade Agreements [+]
Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Canada-UK Trade Continuity Agreement (Canada-UK TCA)
Categories:  Show Categories [+]
  • Consulting Services - Professional Services
    • Engineering
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This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.
This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.
This information is only available to invited bidders and registered plan takers. To view this information you must login to your account.